Friday, October 4, 2013

A Good Morning Reminder

Good morning my precious child.

While you were sleeping I watched over you. I sustained your brain, heart, and lungs. I prevented storms or disasters or violence from troubling you. I refreshed you for the good works that I have for you in the next few hours. But that wasn't all. I was also quite busy working with your brothers and sisters around the world. You see while you were sleeping there were millions and millions of my children going about their days. I was with each of them in small and large ways and just as I have special things for you to do, so did I for them. There were millions of others who like you were sleeping. I was watching over them too. 

But I wasn't the only one at work. While you were sleeping your enemy, Satan, was holding strategy meetings. He was examining your life for weaknesses, plotting temptations and hatching trials especially aimed at your perceived weaknesses. He and his henchman were actively opposing the work that I am doing all around the world in the lives of those millions of brothers and sisters. He was executing pre-planned missions of destruction, wreaking havoc and bringing death and despair.  Night is often, but not always, when he does his best work. He had his hands in abuses, thefts, over-doses, rapes, murders and all things destructive.

But while you were sleeping I was still working doing the slowly and steadily building my Church throughout the world. Sometimes it is fast, but often it is slow and unnoticed. You see I have a great plan for restoring the brokenness of this world that was introduced by Satan. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy, but I am bringing healing and life in the midst of pain and suffering. I do this work by the power of my Spirit working in the lives of my people. Most often it is through a verse or a portion of my Word that gets into my child's life. They decide that it is to be trusted. They begin to let it sink down inside of them and change their hearts and then their attitudes and then their actions. Let me tell you it is a beautiful thing to behold; one of my favorite things to watch. 

That's what I want for you today. I want for you to know more and more that I am who I say I am in my Word. I want you to trust even the small actions of your life to what I say rather than what makes sense to you or someone else. I want this for you because I love you, because I know that this is the only way you will become all that I intended for you to be. I want you to know that today may be hard. But even if that is the case, I will always be here watching over you. What I ultimately desire for you is your good. Even though it might not feel like it today. I want for you to know that the day before you is not wasted, no matter what you may think or feel. It has great purpose and meaning because I prepared it for you and you for it.

So wake up my child. Wake up and head out into the day that I created. There will be suprises for sure. There will be joys and difficulties, happiness and frustration, elation and disappointment. As you wake up know that your life is an integral part of my plan for restoring the brokenness of this world. Your brothers and sisters around the world have been walking with me, but now they are tired and headed for bed. It's your turn to step into all that I have for you today. I love you, am with you, and know you can do it.

Love always,


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